If you are going to find a good place for the class, here are various opportunities on Thorø and Bågø
Agger VIN: Shelter
Sleep in Shelters at Agger VIN
Experience an unforgettable summer night in a shelter among the vines!
At Agger VIN & PARKGOLF, you can enjoy free park golf and a lovely bottle of white or rosé wine ...
Aa Strand - Family vacation/Family reunion
Aa Strand
... an oasis in the middle of Denmark
Aa Beach is just south of Assens, next to the 70 hectares of protected salt marsh with sweeping views of Bobakkerne causeway to Helnæs, South Jutla...
Bågø Naturcenter
Bågø Naturcenter
The Baagø Nature School is the setting for rewarding, educational and nature experiences. You can rent a room for 4 person as a private person
Please contact Naturskolen on Baagø for ...
Aarup Hostel
Aarup Youth Hostel is a privately-run youth hostel, so a hostel pass is not required to spend the night here.
Please contact Hotel Aarup Kro for further details.
Vesterborg holiday centre on Harald Plum’s Torø
Vesterborg holiday centre on Harald Plum’s Torø
Vesterborg is located on the island of Torø, whose area is 600,000 m². Torø was originally an island about 5 kilometres south-east of Assens, but changi...
Thorøgaard holiday centre on Harald Plum’s Torø
Thorøgaard holiday centre on Harald Plum’s Torø
Thorøgaard farm is located on the island of Torø, whose area is 600,000 m². Torø was originally an island about 5 kilometres south-east of Assens, but c...
Skovhytten holiday centre on Harald Plum’s Torø
Skovhytten holiday centre on Harald Plum’s Torø
Skovhytten is located on the island of Torø, whose area is 600,000 m². Torø was originally an island about 5 kilometres south-east of Assens,...