Assens by

City walk in Assens

Take a walk in the old market town of Assens on Vestfyn. You can pick up the brochure at the tourist office, Kulturkajen, Willemoes' Plads 3 in Assens. Enjoy a nice trip on your own and experience the history in the small backyards and the narrow streets.
Peter Willemoes

Maritim stemningPhoto:Tommy Jensen

Explore various historical figures from Assens, such as:

  • Peter Willemoes
  • Jacob Gade
  • Harald Plum
Tobaksgaarden indgang

Photo:Andreas Schnalke

Experience the historical Assens, such as:

  • Assens Custom House
  • The lighthouse on Midtermolen
  • Tobaksgaarden
kafe kamma restaurant

Photo:Kamma Kronborg Kommunikation

Discover Assens food and drinks, such as:

  • The local Vestfyn beer
  • Skænkestuen (The Taproom)
  • Tobaksgaarden

PDF-filer til din byvandring

Herunder kan du downloade pdf-filer, hvor du kan finde relevant information til din kommende byvandring.

Du kan også hente brochuren 'Byvandring - Assens købsted' i turistbureaet, Kulturkajen, på Willemoes' Plads 3 i Assens (nede ved havnen).

City walks with or without a guide

Read more below about our city walks.

City walk on your own
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

City walk on your own

Guide to a do-it-yourself city tour, which brings you
around the beautiful old town. Download here

Riddle hunt in Assens
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Riddle hunt in Assens

Join the Mystery Hunt in Assens Købstad

Solve riddles, crack codes, and uncover the mystery!

A terrible crime has been committed against Peter Willemoes. The naval hero, known for his fierce fight a...


Book en lokal guide

Til din byvandring i Assens Købstad, har du mulighed for at booke en af de lokale guide. Bliv klogere og få en inspirerende tur rundt i Assens.

Oplev Assens med rabat - Havnen og molen
Daniel Villadsen

Bliv klogere på Assens

Assens er rig på både historie og kultur. Som gammel købstad, er der masser af historie at opleve.