Vandrerute - Lillebæltstien

Vandreruter: +8 km lange

Photo: VisitAssens

Find her de vandretur på Vestfyn som er mindst 8 km lange.

Find din næste vandrerute

Alle følgende vandreruter er mindst 8 km lange - nogle af stederne har dog også kortere variationer.

Lillebælt Walking track West
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Lillebælt Walking track West

The Baltic Sea cycle path

The Baltic See Route is around 820 km long and takes the shape of a figure eight (or the sign for 'infinity') through southern Denmark and the Baltic Sea islands. The loop c...

Lillebælt Walking track East
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Lillebælt Walking track East

The eastern part of the Walk runs between the Nabben in
west and Damsbo Beach in the east - a stretch of
8 km in total.
On the trail you pass beautiful coastal landscapes,
beaches, open fields and forest....

Jordløse Bakker hills
Photo: Daniel Villadsen

Jordløse Bakker hills

Jordløse bakker - The Jordløse hills are part of the Funen Alps.
The Funen Alps are a winding hilly ridge and the countryside was created during the last ice age.

Jordløse Bakker are alive with insects,...

Walking tours in Tommerup and surroundings
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Walking tours in Tommerup and surroundings

Walking tours in Tommerup and surroundings

Hikes in Tommerup and environsWelcome to Tommerup Hiking TrailsTommerup Hiking Trails opened in 1998. The sixteen routes of the trail network cover more than ...

Vandrerute: Vandsporet ved Assens
Photo: Daniel Villadsen

Vandrerute: Vandsporet ved Assens

Den nye vandrerute, Vandsporet ved Assens

Tag på en naturrute gennem Assens’ landskab, som byder på alsidige oplevelser og indsigter i vandets forunderlige univers. Vand dækker 71 % af planetens over...